Planning Commission


The Planning Commission reviews and analyzes all planning and zoning proposals for the City, and makes recommendations for goals and objectives for the City's Master Plan to the Mayor and Council.



The Planning Commission consists of five members and one alternate member.  Members are appointed to staggered five-year terms.


Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Agendas listed below include supporting materials if available.  Agenda packets with back-up documentation are posted by the close of business on the Friday prior to a meeting.  Meeting minutes are posted upon approval.  For meeting minutes prior to 2021, please email Director of Administration.


Click here to view agendas and minutes from the Planning Commission.


Official Website of the City of Brunswick, Maryland
City Hall | 1 West Potomac St. | Brunswick, MD 21716 | (301) 834-7500 | Hours 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |