Frequently Asked Questions
I am interested in building a new home on a lot within City limits. What is the process for requesting permits, approvals, etc.?
For new construction, the following paperwork is required for the City of Brunswick.
- Zoning Certificate with Plot Plan showing a scale drawing of the lot boundaries and the location of the house and any other buildings, driveway entrance apron, and approximate location of lateral connections for water & sewer. The appropriate fee must be submitted with the application in order for it to be processed. Check Article 6—Administration and Enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance and the Administrative Fee Schedule on the Planning page for more information and exact fees required. The application may also be downloaded from this page.
- If no driveway entrance apron exists, you must also complete a Driveway Entrance Permit application and fee, including a Site Plan showing where the entrance apron will be located on the site.
- Water and Sewer Tap Allocation Application and application fee. Upon approval of the tap allocation by the Mayor and Council, the following additional fees must be submitted:
1. Water Meter Fee
2. Water and Sewer Capacity Fees
3. Lateral Inspection Fee (please note that this fee is an estimate—the actual amount due may vary +/- depending on the actual length of the connection)
- For specific fees, see the Water and Sewer Rules and Regulations Appendix.
- In addition to City requirements, you must also request a County building permit. Contact the Frederick County Department of Permits and Inspections at 301-600-2313 for more information.
I want to determine if a lot is buildable. How do I find out?
The City of Brunswick is not able to provide legal determinations of suitability for real estate. Refer to the City’s Zoning Ordinance for the legal requirements for construction within City limits. You should hire a development consultant, e.g., a land surveyor or civil engineer, to help you to apply the local, County, and State requirements.
I want to determine the market value of a piece of real estate within City limits. Where do I go for this information?
You should contact a real estate appraiser for assistance with determining market value.
Click here to be redirected to the City's Planning page.
I am planning to erect or replace a fence or retaining wall. What do I need to do?
If you are erecting or replacing a FENCE, you will need to complete and submit a Zoning Certificate application, including a Plot Plan (scale drawing of lot) with location and height of proposed fence shown on the Plot Plan. An administrative processing fee is required for Zoning Certificate applications. Forms and instructions, including the Zoning Certificate regulations, are available at the Planning home page. The City’s Zoning Ordinance contains specific height and other requirements for fences.
If you are erecting or replacing a RETAINING WALL, a standard Zoning Certificate application and fee is required, along with a Plot Plan showing the size, composition, and location of the proposed retaining wall. In addition, a right-of-way obstruction permit may be required if there will be an impact or construction encroachment on or affect City property or right-of-way, including creating storm water runoff or abutting City sidewalks.
I want to build a deck, pool, or other structure (including buildings, sheds, and garages) on my property. What is the process?
For each of the above buildings and structures, you will need to complete and submit a standard Zoning Certificate application with fee, along with a Plot Plan showing the size and location of the building or structure, and indicating setbacks from property lines. The City’s Zoning Ordinance contains setback requirements. In addition to City requirements, you should also contact the Frederick County Department of Permits and Inspections at 301-600-2313 for County permitting requirements.
If you are building a DECK, your Plot Plan should also include the height and location of the deck.
If you are planning to install an IN-GROUND POOL or ABOVE-GROUND POOL, your Plot Plan should also include the size and location of the pool, deck, walk, pump area, etc.
For all other BUILDINGS, including SHEDS and GARAGES, your Plot Plan should also include the size and location of the building.
You may check the status of County permit and project applications at the County’s website.
I want to install a propane tank or heating oil tank on my property. How do I request approval?
You must complete and submit a standard Zoning Certificate application with fee, along with a Plot Plan indicating the size, capacity, and location of the tank on the property. Contact the Frederick County Department of Permits and Inspections at 301-600-2313 for permitting requirements for such tanks.
What is my property zoned? What can I do with my property?
The City is not a repository for deeds, plats, plans, etc. Since there are no title records at City Hall, you should refer to the City Zoning Map for guidance. You can find the Zoning Map under Legal Documents, Zoning Ordinance at the Planning page. After identifying the location on the Zoning Map, find the zoning classification and look up the appropriate zoning district in the City Zoning Ordinance.
What are the development regulations and where can I get copies?
Because of continual changes to the regulations due to development pressures, most regulations are out of print. However, the majority of these regulations are available for download at the Planning page.
In addition, please note the following:
- Questions with regards to infrastructure, including location of existing infrastructure, or questions about streets, alleys, or other public works items should be directed to the Department of Public Works at 301-834-7500.
- For copies of recorded items, including deeds, plats, plans, etc., contact the Records Room, Office of the Clerk of the Court for Frederick County at 301-600-1957. Requests for copies of approved plans and other related information should be directed to the Design Engineer or the County Department of Permits and Inspections at 301-600-2313.
- For questions regarding the status of Frederick County permit and project applications, as well as real estate tax bill and County water/sewer bill inquiries, go to the Frederick County web site.