Code Enforcement
Bulk Items
Bulk items including furniture and appliances may not be kept outdoors. If you have unwanted items too large for a normal trash pick-up, you may contact J&J Trash at 301-360-5515 to schedule an individual bulk pick-up at your residence.
Grass and Yards
Yards must be kept free of trash and debris. Grass and weeds must be cut before reaching a height of twelve inches.
Sidewalk maintenance and upkeep is the responsibility of the owner of the property that abuts the sidewalk.
Snow and Ice Removal
Sidewalks shall be cleared of snow and/or ice within eight to twelve hours after the completion of a snow/ice event.
Temporary Dumpsters and Storage PODS
Temporary Dumpsters and storage PODs to be placed on City streets and rights-of-way require a permit. Click here to obtain a permit application. A $25 fee must accompany the application.
Vehicles which are unregistered, inoperable, have broken windows, or flat tires, must be housed in a building or covered by a vehicle cover designed specifically for that purpose. Vehicles may not be covered with a general use tarp.
Yard Sale Permits/Temporary Signage
Temporary signage for yard sales, etc., to be placed on City streets and rights-of-way require a permit. Click here to obtain a permit application. A $25 non-refundable fee must accompany the application.
Vacant Properties
Vacant Property Ordinance - Updated January 2018
Code of Ordinances