Zoning Certificates

A zoning certificate is required for many home improvement projects, including fences and decks.  Zoning certificates approved by the City Planning and Zoning Administrator indicate compliance with the City's Zoning Ordinance.  In most cases, an approved zoning certificate is required before requesting a building permit through Frederick County. 

To apply for a zoning certificate, please complete the application and submit it to the City Annex with the appropriate fee and accompanying documents.  The fees are as follows:

$100 - New Construction

$50 - Accessory Structures/Additions

$50 - Home Occupations

$25 - All Others

Required Information - If you are planning to improve your property, you must submit a site sketch with your application.  Sketches may be hand drawn or you may choose to submit a copy of your "house location survey" or "plot plan" with the changes and other required information drawn to scale.  Site sketches must include:

-the exact location, size, and height of any existing or proposed building or structure to be located or altered, and existing or proposed driveway or sidewalks,

-the existing and intended use of each building or structure or part thereof,

-the distance between the proposed building/structure and each lot line and any other building or structures on the property,

-the building restriction lines (information available in the Zoning Ordinance), and

-the number of dwelling units the building is designed to accommodate, if applicable.

If you are planning to change the use of your property, you must submit a statement including the following information:

-the current use of the building/property, and

-the proposed use of the property.


Home Occupation - If you are planning to establish a home occupation or resident professional office in your home, you must also submit a Home Occupation/Resident Professional Office Application for Zoning Certificate.


Zoning Certificates shall automatically expire one year after the date of issuance if the construction or use for which the certificate was issued has not started.  The definition for the "start of construction" is included in Chapter 4 of the Brunswick Zoning Ordinance.

REMINDER - Stake out your property prior to submitting your application for a zoning certificate.  Your property may be inspected prior to the issuance of the certificate.  Zoning certificates will be issued within three to five business days, except in the case of unforeseen operational and staffing circumstances.  Completed certificates can be mailed or you may request to pick it up at City Hall.


Fence Zoning Certificate Application

Home Occupation/Residential Professional Use Certificate Application

Zoning Certificate Application

Official Website of the City of Brunswick, Maryland
City Hall | 1 West Potomac St. | Brunswick, MD 21716 | (301) 834-7500 | Hours 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. | CityHall@BrunswickMD.gov